Lanyard 1.80m With Energy Absorber and Steel Carabiner – 080.106A

46,44 ex. VAT

4 in stock

SKU: 1888ACG Category:
    Tape with ERGO SHOCK absorber and carabiners.
    Tape of 1.80 meters with energy absorber steel carabiner thread and hook type steel carabiner.
    • ERGO SHOCK energy absorber, energy dissipator in case of falls in height.
    • Total length of 1.80 meters (including carabiners).
    • Steel carabiner 15mm screw closure opening (to attach to the harness).
    • 55mm hook type steel carabiner opening (for anchor point).
     EN354 Lanyards EN355 Energy absorbers
    enganche esternal
    Sternal hook
    enganche dorsal
    Dorsal hook

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